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Golden Open Acrylic 5oz Manganese Blue Hue

Reg: $22.99
Wet Paint price: $18.39
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Product Description

GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics are a true departure from all other acrylics on the market. Designed with a unique and relaxed set of working characteristics, OPEN Acrylics dramatically expand the range of techniques that are available to artists who prefer to use acrylics. GOLDEN OPEN Acrylics are a new line of professional artists acrylics that feature a versatility that allows artists to explore techniques where acrylics are normally challenging to use.

OPEN Acrylics:
- Remain wet far longer on palette during painting sessions
- Excellent blending characteristics
- Can be used with natural fiber brushes
- Less wasted paint due to drying and palette loss
- Available in 40 traditional colors

FEELS LIKE NO OTHER PAINT: OPEN Acrylics feature a unique balance of properties and relaxed working characteristics that make them an ideal choice when blending, softening, shading, glazing, and creating fine detail.

STAYS WET LONGER: OPEN Acrylics resist skinning and remain wet on the palette for extended periods. Color mixes remain useable longer. OPEN Acrylics can be reconstituted for a period of time once 'set' using water, fresh paint, or OPEN Mediums and Thinner, and can be easily washed from brushes.

EXPANDS THE BOUNDARIES OF ACRYLICS: OPEN Acrylics are ideal for a wide range of traditional techniques and are recommended for artists whose painting styles benefit from extended working time and blendability, such as portraiture, landscape, and plein air painting. OPEN Acrylics can also be used for other techniques such as monoprinting and screen printing. OPEN Acrylics remain wet far longer than other acrylics and resist skinning on the palette during long painting sessions. Working time varies according to how thickly the material is applied. Thin applications 'tack up,' allowing additional layers to be applied and blended. Thicker applications may be worked for hours. Films over 1/16 will dry EXTREMELY slow. For impasto techniques, blend with faster-drying GOLDEN Acrylics and Gel Mediums.

ADJUSTING MADE SIMPLE: Use OPEN Mediums and Thinner to control viscosity while maintaining the maximum working time. To accelerate drying time, OPEN Acrylics may be blended with GOLDEN Acrylics, Gels and Mediums. Because of the slow drying nature of these paints, it is recommended that work be left to dry for 30 days or longer before varnishing.

COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER GOLDEN PRODUCTS: For an unparalleled range of working options, OPEN Acrylics may be blended with GOLDEN Acrylics and Gel Mediums to change opacity or alter consistency, while proportionately speeding up drying and shortening working time. However, it is not recommended to apply fast-drying products over wet layers of OPEN Acrylics.

TWO MEDIUMS AND 1 ADDITIVE FOR ULTIMATE CONTROL: Use OPEN Mediums and Thinner to maintain the maximum working time of OPEN Acrylics. OPEN Acrylic Gel (Gloss) is recommended to adjust color strength and translucency while maintaining consistency. OPEN Acrylic Medium (Gloss) is formulated to a lower viscosity for a more fluid mixture with increased flow. OPEN Thinner contains no binder and is used to maintain and adjust the workability of colors on the palette without the use of water mist and moisturizing palettes.

INTRODUCTORY SETS: Golden offers two introductory sets of Open Acrylic in modern and traditional palettes. Each contain six 22ml tubes.

The Modern Color Set includes Hansa Yellow Opaque, Pyrrole Red, Quinacridone Magenta, Phthalo Blue (Green Shade), Phthalo Green (Blue Shade) and Titanium White.

The Traditional Color Set includes Indian Yellow Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Ultramarine Blue, Sap Green Hue, Vandyke Brown Hue and Titanium White.